Game Description:

/ In this game, you will play as a "big shark" and prey on those small fish to earn more scores. 

 / The key to the next stage and success are pink pearls.

Design Process:

/ Inspired by the "big fish eat small fish" game that I played as a child.

/ All art resources were made by myself. I made a shark who may look a little silly but strong, all those dangerous sea urchins, small orange food fish, beautiful pink pearls, the caves, the seaweeds, etc. Because all items are under the sea, I googled those real stuff and based on them to make those cartoon styles.

/ I made all five stages: a "Welcome" page, a Level 1 page, a Level 2 page, a "Game over" page, and a "Success" page. 

/ Records of professors are a good source to go over the functions of different codes.


/ The particle system is interesting to change, multiple attempts and modifying various attributes can get different and cooler effects. 

/ Sound effects are fitful to their functions.

/ Learned how to combine the button and which page that you want to jump to.


/ Somehow it is a little difficult for me to make the text not only clear but also be adjusted on the center of the canvas automatically. I think if I were free, I should google more and test more about that.

/ The understanding of the connection of the function of counting the number of pearls and determining which page you would be in is not so clear to me. 

Lesson learned:

/ The use of the particle system.

/ The adjustment of various sound effects and their triggers.

/ The use of buttons.

/ Deep understanding of collider in the unity.


/ In the future, I will update the effect of the "sea urchin" change, to make them shift randomly to make it harder.

/ Add more stages.

/ Make more visual effects of pink pearls, like adding light effects on them.


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I love how 90's this game feels, it reminds me of being little and playing plug in games on the family computer. If you ever wanted to continue with this game I would say flush out the levels more but keep them cohesive.

Thank you all for your comments!